About the Author

Nicola Nier

E-Mail: nicola.nier@romanistik.uni-giessen.de

Website: https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/fb05/romanistik/LitKul/pers/wima/nier

Nicola Nier studied French, German and Pedagogy at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and passed her state examination in 2013. She is now assistant to Prof. Dr. Kirsten von Hagen at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures in Gies- sen (French Literary and Cultural Studies). She is currently writing her dissertation on autobiographical writings of female French artists in the 20th century.

Contributions by Author: Nicola Nier

Otherness in the Context of Martin Luther King’s Assassination in Les Actualités Françaises of 1968

Alterity relies on identity. There is no Other without any kind of self-conception — neither for an individual, nor for a culture. [1] Various concepts of alterity, as well as research projects focusing on alterity and the concept of otherness, speak for an increasing interest in the approach to alterity as related to identity. [2]