About the Author

Dinesha Samararatne

E-Mail: dinesha.samararatne@gmail.com

Dinesha Samararatne is Senior Lecturer, Department of Public & International Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Her areas of specialization are human rights law, economic, social and cultural rights, rights of persons with disabilities, women’s rights, administrative law and constitutional law.

Contributions by Author: Dinesha Samararatne

The Law’s Gender

Entanglements and Recursions — Three Stories from Sri Lanka

This essay discusses the encounters of several Sri Lankan women with the law and its multiple loci – whether that is the police station, the courtroom, or the special investigative units of state authorities. In doing so it undertakes an analysis of gendered power relations that operate through and within the law in Sri Lanka and the specific sites at which the women experience its procedures and authority. […]