About the Author

Inês Gamelas

E-Mail: igamelas@ua.pt

Inês Gamelas holds an MA in German Language, Literature and Culture Studies (2010) from the University of Aveiro. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Aveiro and at the Justus Liebig University Giessen with a thesis on the depictions of the generational conflicts and of the late-1960s student movement in European literature. Gamelas’s research focuses on the study of the 1968 student protests in Western Europe within the framework of comparative literature and of studies of culture. Presently, she is a research fellowship holder of FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

Contributions by Author: Inês Gamelas

‘University is Ill’

Representations of the Italian Student Crisis in 1968 Radar Cinematografica Newsreels.

The 1968 student protests were a crucial milestone of the period of political and social uproar that shaped the late-1960s global ‘youth rebellion.’ [1] During this time, the youthful culture of protest became a phenomenon of international scale, [2] which found in youths’ desire for provocation and irreverence the main common traits of a transnational attitude of dissent. Despite different political and sociocultural backgrounds, […]