[spoiler alert]
A dive into the world of public webcams, GlobalEyes subtly exposes the state of surveillance in an age of online watching and live commentary. Some just want to vicariously travel the world from their office chair while others have more sinister intentions. From public squares to private homes, no one is safe from prying eyes around the globe.
GlobalEyes is a collage documentary, surpassing the traditional notions of a found footage film. With the exception of the title cards, all of the film’s visual material has been taken from online webcams that are freely available for the public to access. The script was cobbled together from various posts on a single thread of a online public forum and modified only very slightly. The magic, however, lies in the juxtaposition of the combined text, audio, and video.
_How to Cite
Jeff Coons. “GlobalEyes” On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 6 (2018). <>.