Articles with tag: normalization

12/11/2018 _Perspective

Working Under Surveillance

This poem addresses the lived experience of being in workplaces under legal forms of surveillance in Australia. It refers to the evolution of emotions and behaviors during workplace surveillance, and adaptation to surveillance technologies of audit cultures. It refers also to compliance with surveillance, and to normalization of stressful emotions and behaviors as part of dealing with surveillance technologies and culture.

The Ubiquitous View

Surveillance, Imagination, and the Power of Being Seen

To see and be seen is the most explicit obsession in modernity. Our cultural imagination is loaded with images of visual encounters that remain one-sided as clandestine views on the other that deprive the other as individual of its very intimacy. The act of being seen, therefore, is a highly political act. Usually to be seen by the other should demand the act of recognition and, therefore, contribute to the establishment of the self as social subject. […]