Articles with tag: knowledge production

Doing Seminar Reading

Ways and Detours of Reading/Not-Reading Seminar Texts and Papers as Actors

Letting the scene end in disaster: that was the task set by a trainer in a forum theater experiment, as part of a performance seminar in Cultural Anthropology at the Universi-ty of Basel. Students in this seminar had to pick and perform a commonly known, problematic scene from their everyday academic lives. In the first round, they were to stage this scene very dramatically, with the intent of getting the audience’s emotions running high. They were then instructed to perform the same scene a second time, but this time the audience of other students and lecturers,…


We, the Editorial Board of On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, are proud to present this pilot issue and thereby launch an exciting new publication platform at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) in Giessen. This e-journal supplements the Centre’s existing publishing program, consisting of the book series Concepts for the Study of Culture (de Gruyter), Giessen Contributions to the Study of Culture (WVT Trier), the series English Literary and Cultural History (WVT Trier), and the online book-review platform KULT_Online.